
Incense properties – From S to T (part1)

Adoration du saint sacrement ˆ Notre-Dame de Paris

Incense properties – From S to T (part1)

* Sage incense balances the mind and body.

* Sandalwood incense purifies environments. It is used to meditate and to make astral journeys. It helps develop our intuition. It promotes self-control, humility, renunciation. It is relaxing and soothing. It’s a lunar incense.

* White Sandalwood incense brings Protection and Success.

* Red Sandalwood incense brings Protection and Success.

* Fir incense helps fight tiredness.

* Sea salt incense is very powerful and purifier. It cleans the psychological and physical impurities.

* Sete Ervas incense attracts positive energies.

* Saffron incense brings love, joy and healing. He gives strength to use his psychic powers.

* Saint Anthony of Padua Incense is the incense of the Patron Saint of sailors, castaways and prisoners. It is used to find lost objects and loved ones. It is a good complement for novenas and candles.

* L’encens de Saint Benoît éloigne les maléfices et les mauvais sorts. C’est le complément idéal pour les neuvaines et les bougies.

* Sainte Rita incense can be accompanied by a prayer in connection with the desperate causes, the request for protection of children. It protects habitat and promotes healing demands. It is a very good complement for novenas and candles.

* Saint Expedit Incense is used for urgent causes. It negates negativity, attracts life and influences the loved one. It improves concentration during revisions. He is in favor of pressing causes.

* Saint George incense protects from jealousy and the evil eye. It helps to find courage in the face of adversity. He fights bad things. It gives strength and energy. He helps during exams. It is an ideal complement for novenas and candles.

* Saint Michael Archangel incense protects from external attacks. He brings protection and peace. He also hunts evil spirits by purifying the habitat. It helps fight demonic spirits. It is a good complement for novenas and candles.

* Saint Pancrace incense cures rheumatism. It also protects pets.

* Samhain incense is used during the ceremonies that take place on Samhain (October 31 / November 1).

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