Dreams interpretation Letter G

Dreaming of your grandmother

Dream of your grandmother

Dream Interpretation: Dreaming of your grandmother.

Symbols: Protection, love, good news.

In psychoanalysis…

The grandmother is the symbol of protection, unconditional love, indulgence. Grandparents who appear in dreams can clarify our attitude towards them. They can also enlighten us on the traditions and beliefs they transmit.

Grandmother can also represent punishment.

If you dream of your grandmother, this can express:

* A deep feeling of loneliness.

* The need to be loved that drives you.

* Your need for support.

* Your grieving process which is in progress, in case your grandmother recently died.

* A childhood memory.

On the esoteric side…

* Dreaming of your grandmother presages good news.

Dream of grandmother

Please keep in mind that interpretations may differ depending on the symbols we personally associate with these themes. It is possible and interesting to interpret your dreams yourself. Go to the article: How to interpret dreams.

See also : Dreaming of your ancestors, Dreaming of Mother Earth or the Great Mother.

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