Dreams interpretation Letter U

Dreaming of undressing

Dream of undressing

Dream interpretation : Dreaming to undress.

Symbols : sexuality, feelings, emotions, openness, sensitivity, honesty.

In psychoanalysis…

If you dream of undressing, this can express:
* Making contact with your own sexuality and your sexual feelings.
* Your wish to reveal your feelings.
* If a person undresses in front of you, it means that you must be aware of the person’s sensitivity.
* If you undress someone else, it means you want to understand the other on a very deep feeling.


If you dream of undressing, it means you need openness and spiritual honesty.

Dreaming of undressing

Remember that interpretations may differ according to the symbols we personally associate with these themes. It is possible and interesting to interpret ones own dreams. Go to the article: How to interpret dreams.


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