Dreams interpretation Letter S

Dreaming of being suffocated

Dreaming of being suffocated

Dream interpretation : Dreaming to be suffocated.

Symbols : expression, incapacity, silence, indecision, oppression, conflict.

In psychoanalysis…

If you dream of being suffocated, it can express:
* Your inability to express yourself adequately.
* A conflict between your inner being and your outer being.
* Your indecision regarding expressing yourself loudly or remaining silent.
* Being suffocated by people or circumstances.
* Your lack of control over your current situation.


If you dream of being suffocated, it may indicate that you are in the midst of a spiritual conflict. This symbolizes a real brake on your spiritual evolution. You must learn to express yourself when it is necessary, and to remain silent when it is necessary to be.

Dreaming to suffocate

Remember that interpretations may differ according to the symbols we personally associate with these themes. It is possible and interesting to interpret ones own dreams. Go to the article: How to interpret dreams.


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