Dreams interpretation Letter B

Dream of bag

Dreaming of bag

Dream Interpretation : dreaming of bag.

Symbols : humiliation, repentance.

In time, the bag represented humiliation. People who wore bags meant that they were « less than nothing, less than dust ». This is where the expression comes from: « the bag and the ash ».

In psychoanalysis…

If you dream of a bag, this can express:
* Your feeling of humiliation.
* A gesture that humiliated you.
* Repentance.
* Your desire to show others that you are repented of an action or a gesture.


You have lived a humiliating moment but want to repent.

Dream of bag

Remember that interpretations may differ according to the symbols we personally associate with these themes. It is possible and interesting to interpret ones own dreams. Go to the article: How to interpret dreams.


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