
The Magic Square of Mars


The Magic Square of Mars tells us about the ideal behaviors to adopt when we are confronted with certain situations. It is the ideal way to realize the subtle realities of our present life. The March Square is one of the best divinatory arts to unveil the perspectives of our destiny. It helps the realization of our inner self and accompanies us in our personal development.

Presentation of the Magic Square of Mars

The magic square of Mars is in direct association with Numerology and Kybomancy. It has a system of numbering decimal that existed in China since 3,500 years.
The square of March lies between ancestral techniques of clairvoyance and the modern methods of numerology. He is particularly interested in luck. Remember, however, that the March square is inappropriate for answering questions like « yes-no« .

How to use the Square of Mars?

* Bring a coin and a sheet of paper on which the March square numbers will be represented.
* Then think carefully about your concern and ask a clear and specific question.
* Then throw the coin in the March square.
* Note the number of the box in which the coin fell.
If the coin falls outside the square, start the casting again!

Interpretation of the figures of the square of Mars


Each issue of the March Square provides tips on your concerns.
N°1 : good prospects are coming and will replace the periods of doubt and discouragement. It’s time to make important decisions while avoiding rush. The collaboration of a third party will be useful.
N°2 : the occurrence of conflict situations is certain, and the source is in your environment. It is your responsibility to distance yourself to avoid conflict.
N°3: it corresponds to a period of reflections. Any lightness or distraction will be (almost) fatal. It is necessary to focus on the essential concerns and solve the problems as quickly as possible.
N°4: Hard-to-accept critics are coming. It is necessary to remain oneself and to rely only on one’s family, which will provide support and comfort.
N°5: caution. We must avoid taking major initiatives: more favorable times will come.
N°6: very favorable period. Initiatives are to be taken! Personal fulfillment and development of skills in sight.
N°7: It represents a period of trust. It’s time to be calm and serene. A good meditation will be useful to rediscover one’s personal potential.
N°8: Do not close the door to dialogue now. The need for advice and support is felt, and is necessary in order to have multiple points of view.
N°9: the fear must be overcome and the opinion of those around him is important. Warning: too much caution can be a handicap.

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