
Coffee reading: How to read in coffee?


How to read in coffee?

After having prepared your coffee (see article: : How to read coffee? The method. ),

get ready for reading!

Method n°1.

  • You need:

* A white cup.
* A saucer or a white plate.

  • As a consultant:

* Drink your coffee making sure to leave a light net.
* Then rotate the cup so that the coffee grounds are stirred with the light fillet of coffee and then return your cup to a saucer or plate.
* Spill the leftovers of your coffee on a white plate.
* Turn the plate clockwise so that the liquid spreads to the edges of the plate.

  • As a cafedomancer right-handed :

* Take the handle of the right hand cup and read from bottom to top then left to right .
* To read the hidden part, take the handle of the left hand .

  • As a cafedomancer southpaw :

* Take the handle of the left hand cup and read from bottom to top then right to left .
* To read the hidden part, take the handle of the right hand.

images (3)

The handle of the cup symbolizes the consultant . Thus, the symbols near the cove represent the close events.
The symbols pointing to the handle are possible approaches .
Those who walk away from it represent a departure .

Some cafédomanciens consider that the symbols on the left of the cup represent past events , and that the symbols on the right of the cup represent upcoming events .

However, reading is usually vertically in the cup.
So, upcoming events immediately are near the cup border ,
Forthcoming events are near the bottom of the cup ,
And the symbols on the bottom of the cup are considered to carry bad news, the bottom of the cup being associated with bad luck.

Open your mind and let yourself be guided: Interpret symbols intuitively.
Happy reading to all of you.

See also: Coffee reading.



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