
The crystal ball

boule de cristal et voyance
What object could be more evocative of divination than the crystal ball? Used for divination purposes, the crystal ball is now the object par excellence of the clairvoyant. This divinatory art is called the crystallomancy.

Origins of the crystal ball

The divinatory practice of the crystal ball is closely associated with the Druidic tradition. However, several historians agree to locate the origins of the crystal ball in the 10th century. Indeed, the micro quartz crystals could make it possible to predict the future and to go back in the past. This is, for example, the case in Egypt where esoteric science practitioners used large gems or rock crystal (which they considered Horus’s eye) to foretell upcoming events. It is also the case of the Celts who, 2000 before Christ, used the crystal with divinatory purposes. Also, other tribes in the world (the Maya, the Incas, the aborigines of Australia, the Amerindians etc …) made use of it. Subsequently, the practice has been modernized with the use of a ball instead of crystals.

How to use the crystal ball

Divination by the crystal ball is an exercise that requires a lot of concentration and a lot of energy. It is highly recommended to question your crystal ball in a quiet and specially designed place for this exercise. One piece must be allocated for this purpose and must be dim (opt for a candle rather than a reflective light). An atmosphere of meditation and concentration must be created before embarking on the divination.
Drop your crystal ball on a base or on a cushion. Three-legged pedestals are often recommended as they promote divination and predictions. Spending a lot of time with her crystal ball in the room arranged for her is recommended: even if the divination is not practiced, this time spent in the room allows to become familiar with the environment and connect to the crystal ball . When the practitioner is one with his crystal ball, they communicate to each other their vibrations.
Choose comfortable and loose clothing, make sure it’s the same for every session.
The best times for practicing divination with a crystal ball are: dawn, noon and sunset. These moments correspond to the optimal astral vibrations.

Interpreting the signs of the crystal ball

Milky clouds to precise images, your crystal ball will speak to you. It’s up to you to feel these images, these signs, these symbols, and to find your own interpretation.


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