
March and April under the sign of the dance upside down



Many of you have said that you feel a little moody for a few days. Some feel they are out of place, others feel constantly confused and many are discouraged about their projects. I think I have an explanation … Many of you are likely to be influenced by the very special cosmic energies of this March!

March and April 2016 are two very important months of this year. They announce the end of things and the turnaround. The energies we receive from some planets are very strong but contradictory! Let me explain in more detail what is happening in space, and how this little game influences us …

Tension between Uranus and Pluto: major and deep changes announced!

The tension between Uranus and Pluto dominates the current decade. It makes us live a period of profound and major upheavals. We are confronted with ourselves and the reliability of our projects is put to the test. We must react, re-organize, mutate, evolve.
Know that this squabble will relax in these months of March and April … Good news! Yet we will continue to feel this influence.

Tension between Jupiter and Saturn: our values ​​put to the test

In March and April adds the tension between Jupiter and Saturn . Their contradictory energies leave us a bit perplexed. On the one hand, we need to define ourselves, to find our place socially. We need order and organization. On the other side, we thirst for openness, we scatter, we flutter, we twirl.
Jupiter pushes us to broaden our knowledge, our skills, we are encouraged to feel integrated in an environment adapted to our personality. We are happy to be able to contribute to a certain community, we are looking for collaborative environments. Social cohesion is important .
Saturn , meanwhile, drives us to have more ambition. The high goals we set ourselves and the urge to look for something else somewhere else is inconsistent with what Jupiter wants from us.
This is why many of us feel a sense of failure, uncertainty, insecurity, and the feeling that we can not solve anything.
And as if that was not enough, here Chiron puts his grain of salt in this tension ! It brings depth in this debate, and makes grow in us the need to find an inspiring sense in our life: our moral, religious and / or spiritual values ​​are mixed with the social role that we would like to hold, but everything is turned upside down . Chiron, digging in this mess, pushes us to find a solution. It is here the symbol of resilience.

The total eclipse of March 9

An eclipse always announces a change, so an end and a restart. The eclipse of March 9, 2016 is very special because it is connected to the axis of Lunar Nodes of the South, which represent the energies of our past. Here, a letting go is expected in order to live serenely under the influence of the contradictory and heavy energies that we are about to receive.

Our routine is changing , radically or not. These may be small changes, such as our eating habits, or may represent larger projects, such as total emancipation. We will have to deal with concerns about our sense of security, personal fulfillment, our professional and personal plans and our place in society.

People who are affected by cosmic energies can go through a difficult time, an emotional moment that is hard to manage, where the impression of insolubility and loneliness seem to take over.

If you are one of these people, remember that Chiron is pushing us to re-organize. By digging deep into our worries, into our pots of the past or facing our darkness, we actually have the opportunity to sort it out . This is about accepting oneself, having compassion for ourselves and moving forward. Re-organize ourselves, find new solutions, let’s renew ourselves. We are supported by Jupiter, who brings us confidence in optimism, and we are pushed by Ceres, which forces us to put away and to empty. After this spring cleaning, Chiron the healer will reveal the new solutions available to us. This period of unrest will drag on until April, but promises a release of things from the past that clutter us .

éclipse 2


The energies of the planets and the eclipse of March 9 announce a reversal of inevitable situation. It is necessary to let go and accept that we can not control what is happening. We need to learn to relax in chaos and let the solutions slowly emerge. We must seize the new opportunities open to us, agree to drop forever the pots of the past that clutter us and start creating again.

The lunar eclipse of March 23

This eclipse follows those of last fall . A long period of change is over. It is likely that we will feel some of the negative emotions of last autumn, but we will soon feel that we are at the end of our journey. It’s time to turn the page.

In summary

We learn « the hard way » that it is necessary to let go of life. A turnaround is never pleasant when some projects are important to us, but let’s not forget that it also gives rise to new ideas more adapted to our personality that has evolved . Confusion will be inevitable, so it is necessary to accept it and be guided by our self-confidence. We will come out of this period faster than we believe, and we will be grown and soothed. Let’s not stop on our wave with the passing soul: let us see in this floating period a golden opportunity to sort through our energies and to sweep away everything that weighs too heavily in our backpack.

See you soon,



éclipse 3Source : Magazine Vivre.


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