With crystal ball and cartomancy, chiromancy or palmistry is one of the best-known and most popular divination arts. Palmistry will not allow you to answer all your daily concerns, but it will help you to have a relatively precise idea of your life, your past, your future, your character or your personality.
Palmistry or Chiromancy is the art of reading the future in the lines of the hand. The word comes from « Chiro » for hand and « mancy » for divination. It is necessary to say that, thanks to their entanglements, their intermingling, the lines of the hand are unique for each being, and thus represent in this sense a unique and reliable divination support. This art was born in Asia, more precisely in China and India more than 5,000 years ago, but it begins to practice quietly in the West around 2,500 years ago. Thus, in the twelfth century, this art will be more and more popular and will be practiced together with physiognomony, the study of character and personality from the features of the face. However, today, the two arts practice again separately and palmistry tends to be much more popular than physiognomy.
How is palmistry practiced?
Although it is a vast divinatory art, in practice, palmistry is limited to a few essential points for a quick and global consultation. The latter is therefore based on the line of heart, the line of life, the line of head, the line of destiny and that of luck. But palmistry can also look at the shape of the hands and the shape and size of the fingers for further consultation. Thus, you will be able to know as much as possible about your personality and your destiny.
The different lines of the hand in Palmistry
The lifeline is the most important. It starts from the space between thumb and forefinger to finish on the mount of Venus. When the life line is long and straightforward, you are assured of a stable life, while the opposite indicates a fickle life. When this line is crossed by small chain-shaped segments, it indicates probable health problems during the existence. However, rest assured, the length of your life line does not necessarily inform that of your life.
The leading line also leaves the space between thumb and forefinger, but instead of descending like the life line, it continues its course almost horizontally to finish on the mount of the Moon . This line provides information on your psychological skills and your temperament. A long headline indicates a nonchalant person, while the opposite characterizes a pragmatic and intelligent person. If there are segments that cross your top line, they indicate changes that will occur in your professional life.
The heart line starts from the base of the little finger and ends at the bottom of the fingers, on the mount of Jupiter or Saturn. This line provides information on your emotional life as well as the state of your heart (organ). Frank and long, she indicates a stable, short love life, she characterizes a reserved person.
The line of destiny moves from the base of the palm toward the mount of Saturn. This line informs on your degree of ambition, but also your life expectancy. The longer and frank, the easier you will reach your goals. On the other hand, the shorter, if not the absent, the more courage and perseverance you will need to succeed in life.
The lucky line is at the base of the wrist, to the right of the destiny line. His presence indicates your level of luck in life, while his absence or small size indicates that he will only want to rely on you and your work to succeed.
This is only a summary presentation of the different lines of the hand. A specialist can certainly tell you more about your destiny by reading in your hands.